Flag Or Cross?

“CHURCHES TURN TO FLAG FOR COMFORT” was the headline of a recent article in the newspaper. This of course is the assessment of the writer of the article. She wrote …


One of the more pleasant sights in Corpus Christi is that which one sees as he crosses the harbor bridge. From the top of the bridge, the city looks immaculate. …


  Advent is that season of the church year in which we contemplate the divine prophecies concerning the coming of Christ into the flesh. It leads us to celebrate the …

A Prayer

Lord, though the road seems hard and long, And when I think myself alone, Renew in me Thy promise true, “Lo, I am with you to the end.” When Satan, …

Thanksgiving 2001

Thanksgiving Day is not an appointed church celebration. It is a national celebration. Nevertheless, the church celebrates it for good reason. We are citizens of this nation, and as Christians …