A Prayer

Lord, though the road seems hard and long,
And when I think myself alone,
Renew in me Thy promise true,
“Lo, I am with you to the end.”
When Satan, world, and flesh entice,
And me with evil would beguile.
Imprint upon my heart Thy Word,
“I am Thy Shield and great Reward.”
In sickness and in health, dear Lord,
In times of loneliness and fear,
Take Thou my hand and lead me
Through life’s maze to live with Thee.
As years pass by, and shadows lengthen
Increase my love, and faith in Thee
Who for my sin didst all atone,
Til’ face to face I Thee shall see.
In memory of Thy mercies past,
Lead me to see with eyes of faith
That what befalls in times to come
Is all for my eternal good.
Thanks be to Thee, O Savior True,
Who ever ready are to hear
The cries of all who plead with Thee –
“O, Lord, be merciful to me.”
